Everything you need to know about neurological and geriatric rehabilitation. If you have any questions please contact us, our expert and friendly customer care team is here to help.
The Tigo 558 – A Reliable Therapeutic “Workhorse” For Passive, Assisted, And Active Cycling.
In the realm of rehabilitation and physical therapy, technological advancements have significantly improved the options available for patients seeking effective and accessible solutions.
The Healing Power of Movement: Why Exercise is Essential for Stroke Patients
A stroke can be a life-altering event, impacting not only the physical well-being but also the emotional and mental health of an individual. Rehabilitation after a stroke is a crucial phase in the journey…
Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health: A Report by the European Heart Network
A recent report on physical activity and heart health underscores the pivotal role of being active in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases.
Empowering Stroke Recovery Through Physical Activity: A Path to Wellness
A stroke can be a life-altering event, impacting both physical and mental well-being. The American Stroke Foundation emphasises the crucial role of physical activity in the recovery process.